Twin Rinks Adult Hockey League

Subs Only Option For Adult Hockey Information

For those players who can’t make most of the scheduled games we offer the subs only option.

You register and pay full price. If you register for the late team, you will only be able to sub in late games. If you register for early team (games start before 9:15p), you will be able to sub in all games.

Email adulthockey after you register and we will put you in the subs only option. You will not be in the draft. You will not receive a jersey.

You will be given priority to sub, so you can pick and choose when you play. After you have been picked, uncheck "I can sub" for the rest of the week in order to keep your clicks to 1 per week.

Keep your clicks to 1 a week with a maximum of 23.
0 clicks when you check "I can sub". 1 click when you are selected to sub.
1 click if you (or the system) click NO to the sub game you were selected to play in.
3 clicks if you no show the game.
Clicks are reset each season.
If you have more than 1 click per week or get to 23 clicks, you will forfeit your sub priority for the rest of the season, but you can continue to sub.

If you are going to be out of town for several weeks, you can play more than once a week after you get back until you reach 1 click a week for the season. If you are going out of town 2 months into the season, you can’t sub more in the beginning as it will flag the system that you are playing more than once a week and you will forfeit your sub priority.

This is NOT a good option to try to get in more games. As a player, you will get your 23 games and you will sub many times. With this option you will be limited to 23 clicks.

It is a good option for a player who can’t play on the weekends.
It is a good option for a player who is out of town on business frequently.
It is a good option for a player who is in town for 2 weeks and out of town for 2 weeks.

This page was last updated on Sunday, June 16, 2024